Thursday 21 March 2013

Plodding Along...

First of all, not much to report on the Crochet front, its our first day "at home", this week after a busy few days at work and baby groups. I love Thursdays, its my day to breathe, relax, try and sort the house out and hopefully, soldier on with Mrs Snufflebottom's blanket.
Its shaping up nicely, I am still completely in love with the colour scheme, and think I will make another one afterwards and try and embrace a less controlling side of me and do random width stripes as they worked so so well on the cushion that because the inspiration for this blanket. Heres a sneaky peak of it, alongside my other WIP.

(Phew! Better light in the house today.)

I also, whimsically agreed to make my friends son a blanket to snuggle in, so I have 2 blankets on the go at the same time. Luckily, I've run out of yarn for his blanket which gives me an excuse to soldier on with Mrs S's while I wait for more to arrive.

In other news... Today I have an honourary editor to my blog... Mrs Snufflebottom no less!

She is currently busy bashing the desk and making sure I do as I'm told. She also seems to be partial to Jessie J and Robbie Williams as she keeps having a little dance! She also seems determined to prevent me from getting anything useful done by squealing every time I sit her down to play. Even the Jumperoo won't occupy her this morning. Demanding little lady...

Anyway, I'm off to try and get a bit more crochet done. Sorry I had nothing entertaining/meaningful to report!

1 comment:

  1. Blankets look snuggly and soft. Really love the colours. Thanks for crochet chain advice xx
