Thursday 14 March 2013

Better Late Than Never...

Well, this post was supposed to be written about a week ago when I finished my "circles in squares" mini blanket, however, my children have had other ideas, Mrs Snufflebean is currently struggling to cut a tooth which means I am thin on the ground for time to do anything (and yes, that includes sleeping. *yawn*)

Anyhoo, I started this blanked with the intention of making it into a big blanket for Mr Bean, but somewhere along the line, I fell out of love with Crochet Squares, I just can't get them to sit right when I crochet them together, and I'm a bit finickity which means I always hate how I can never quite get the border square. So... That meant that halfway through making it, the blanket got downsized (heavily), and will now make a lovely dolls blanket for someone. Here is it in all its teeny weeny glory... (P.S apologies that my pictures are a bit pants compared to others in blogland, but I've discovered we have rubbish lighting for photos in our house. I think I'm going to have to resort to outdoor photography when the weather improves)
And here is a perfect example of what I mean about the borders... I just dont think they ever look right...

And here it is in a little squidgy curly swiss-roll type thingy... (You have no idea how hard it was to get this photo so the light was right and so that it was in a location that was nice and plain and didn't include family-related mess clutter!)

Right, I'm off to immediately write the second post I've been inteding to write for a week, apologies for the splurge of posts but I must get up to date with my news!!

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