Sunday 17 March 2013

One of a kind

Normally I try to restrict my postings to being about Crochet, as its my only outlet to talk about it (other than twitter), as hubby just thinks I'm a bit of a nerd for enjoying it so much.
But yesterday I just marvelled at how cute and lovely Mr Bean is :-) I love the way he's still at an age (2), where he is entertained by the simplest of things. Yesterday he was busying himself with the incredibly important job of sticking clothes pegs on every available handle. (See Below)

He loves to potter, doing things that mean so much to him, but to an adult mind simply don't make sense at all!
He also loves clocks. Big ones, small ones, digital, analogue.. You name it, he's enthralled with it & he's regularly to be found pottering around with watches all up his arms. (See below).
It just shows that even from when we're teeny, we all have our little quirks. He likes watches & pegs, I like crochet and picking lovely squishy thread. I'm going to embrace the weirdness individuality of my children!
Back to crochet... (I knew I couldn't write a whole post without including some crochet!
I'm currently in a conundrum about picking threads for a baby blanket for a friend. As far as I'm aware, they don't plan to find out what they're having and I find Apricot/Peach/Lemon/Mint a horrible cliche and I don't think I could bring myself to crochet in these colours AT ALL.
Luckily, twitter exists, as my little fledgeling blog has maybe 3 readers (on a good day), so unfortunately a plea for help will probably go unanswered. Thanks to the lovely fellow crocheters in the twittersphere,  I think I have decided on this yarn in White, Silver & Pistachio and I think I am going to do a ripple. I would love to add arctic blue or smokey rose, but I think gender specific colours are a no-no (I made Mr Bean a blanket when pregnant, and I think the pink I added with the blue makes it look too girly).
I'm itching to click the order button, but unfortunately (or fortunately), I really must finish Mrs Snufflebottom's blanket & the blue/grey blanket for my friend before I let myself start another.
Oooo is that nearly wine-o-clock?!
*Potters off to fridge*

1 comment:

  1. Deramores will have a 15% off all double knit yarn offer soon no doubt - it comes round every now and then, I will hold out to then. I love pegs.
