Wednesday 20 February 2013

Its Been A Long Time...

Ooo hello,

I just realised life has taken over and I haven't posted anything in a long time (not that I'm actually sure anyone even reads this!). I have been busy keeping the tiddlers happy and contented and have been crocheting away like a little busy bee, but as yet I don't have another finished item to show you.

I'm still plodding along with this blogging lark, even though I'm beginning to lose a little faith in it. So many other people seem to have such lovely photos and stories, and it makes my rambles seem, well, rather mundane!
Anyway, on a more positive note, here is a little photo bomb of bits I've been up to since I last blogged...

1. A potholder I made it a fit of restlessness for a friend. I used the pattern from Color 'n' Cream, but used up old thread.
2. Port - Yummy. Don't need to say anymore really!
3. Cut myself on a wine glass, but the consolation was I got to use one of my Hello Kitty plasters!
4. I bought this fab Stylecraft Special DK shade card from Masons. It means I don't have to try and guess the colours from my computer screen!
Back to the present. This week I have mainly been battling with an endless amount of washing and cleaning. I often fail, much to the despair of my husband! (I am not one of lifes naturally tidy people). I have also been working simultaneously on 2 new blankets, one for Mr Bean and one for a friends daughter using up the lilac tones from my Lucy pack that just aren't "me". I will try and take some photos, but currently time is at a premium and my tiddlers win out every time.
Toodle Pip! xx


  1. Hi, Yes do keep blogging! I really like your blog. I've been following Attic 24 for about 2 years, and recently started following Ali's Hooked which is where I saw the link to you. The Stylecraft colour chart is brilliant -thanks for that tip! I recently bought a batch from Country crafts (not the Lucy pack, my own selection, but was sightly disappointed with the difference in colour on the screen to the real thing).

    I will follow you and will especially be interested in whether you come up with a better way to crochet the border. Currently I'm working on two granny square/stripe blankets.

    KJ East Sussex

    1. Hi! Thank you for the lovely comment. I definitely reccomend the colour chart as some of the colours do look really different online.

      I'm just about to finish a stripey blanket for my baby girl and will no doubt try and come up with a better way of doing the first round of edging.

      Hope you still find me now I've changed my blog address.
